Milford Square Music Studio

Kindermusik Curricula Unit Descriptions 

Winter/Spring 2017


Age Newborn - 18 Months (Fridays at 9 AM)  – two themes per semester


Hickory, Dickory, Tickle, and Bounce
Research shows the more you expose your baby to nursery rhymes and songs, the stronger those emerging language-learning skills will be. That's why these Mother Goose-like stories and rhymes are the main theme of this class. Plus, you'll develop research-proven communication strategies with your child through listening activities, speaking "parentese," and sign language.

Home Materials: CD of beautifully arranged nursery rhyme and songs from class, a rhyming picture board book—Hickory, Dickory, Tickle, and Bounce, a set of Art Banners, and an instrument for music-making at home. 


The Rhythm of My Day
This class will help you bring more rhythm and routine to your baby's day, as well as help develop lasting learning skills. We'll show you how and tell you why music can help your little one soothe into the day’s schedule and help build a strong body and mind network for learning. You can bring home those same stress-free play and relaxation techniques from class, and incorporate them into your daily routines.

Home Materials: CD of beautifully arranged songs from class, The Rhythm of My Day—a colorful picture board book with class themes, a set of Art Banners, and an instrument for music-making at home. 

Age 18 months – 3 years (Fridays at 10 am) 

We'll meet many animal characters in our books, activities, and songs—each specifically chosen for a toddler's emerging interests and physical skills. With silly, bumpy lap bounces we'll help toddlers develop rhythm while further developing their ever-emerging language skills. With a special stringed instrument emphasis in the music from class, parents can bring home the violin, cello, and orchestra sounds to help their toddlers stay happy and engaged learners at home, too.

Home Materials: Double CD featuring songs from class; two interactive storybooks—This Little Piggy Played the Fiddle and Animal Serenade to develop early literacy skills; Home Activity Book, and a pair of Fiddlestick instruments. 

Age 3-5 years (Fridays at 11 am)

Cities! Busy Places ~ Friendly Faces

In this unit, sidewalks, elevators, skyscrapers, and world-traveling photographers are the theme. Learning through the pretend play that preschoolers adore, we'll be rhythmically busy playing storytelling games and handcrafting city "buildings" from wax paper at home so we can make a cityscape in class! Plus every activity has some at-home adaptations so the parent can take part in the learning. With a pair of resonator bars as a featured instrument, and a multicultural, jazzy collection of music, preschoolers will develop the social and intellectual skills they'll need in school.

Home Materials: Two books—Razupazu Toto and Down Our Street, Cities! Game Board Set, Two Home CDs—collection of multicultural and jazzy music heard in class, Family Activity Book, and a pair of resonator bars as the featured instrument. 

(Monthly unit descriptions - each month your student will get a new home kit)
Age 2-6 years (older siblings of Village and Our Time students and students, age 2-6 years, on their own: Fridays at 9 and 10 am) 

Silly All Over: This month, you’ll catch a case of the giggles. Motor skills and self- control get a workout with plenty of stop-and-go motions, energy gets tapped with plenty of up-and-down, and sense of humor gets a tickle with silly sounds, silly movements, finger plays, and fun. Hold onto your funny bone, because you’re about to get Silly All Over

Sounds Abound: In a world without instruments, could you still make music? Of course you could! Music was born from creativity—people using their voices, bodies, and objects they found, assembled, or invented to make new sounds. Join us as we explore rhythm patterns, creative sound-finding and sound-making, graphic notation, and storytelling—because the creative brain is where Sounds Abound


Family & Friends: Sing, dance, rhyme, move, and play your way through this celebration of why our very special Family & Friends matter so much! Using our imaginations, we’ll visit our friends’ houses, interact with family, go to the market, play with playmates, and more. Everyone is invited to make music with our family and friends!